Control Theory
Towards a Grand Unified
Theory of Adaptive Control
- Overview:
M. G. Safonov. Data-Driven
Behavioral Formulation of the Adaptive Feedback Control Problem
(PowerPoint) [also available in HTML]. Talk, Poster Presentation, AFOSR
Workshop on Dynamics and Control, Dayton,
OH, August 2001.
- Background and
Philosophy: M. G. Safonov. Focusing on the
knowable: Controller invalidation and learning. In A. S. Morse,
editor, Control
Using Logic-Based Switching, pages 224–233. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1996.
- Theory:
M. G. Safonov and T. C. Tsao. The unfalsified
control concept and learning. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control,
AC-42(6):843–847, June 1997.
- Design Studies:
- Automatic PID tuning..
M. Jun and M. G. Safonov, Proc. IEEE CCA/CACSD, pages
328–333, Kohala Coast–Island of Hawaii,
HI, August 22-27, 1999.
Also available is a Demo
for the example described in this paper (requires MATLAB® and SimuLink®).
- Unfalsified direct
adapative control of a two-link robot arm. T.-C. Tsao and M. G.
Safonov, Proc. IEEE CCA/CACSD, Kohala Coast–Island of Hawaii,
HI, August 22-27, 1999.
- Robust switching
missile autopilot. P. B. Brugarolas, V. Fromion, and M. G. Safonov, Proc.
American Control Conf., pages 3665–3669, Philadelphia,
PA, June 24-26, 1998.
- Discussion and
Controversy: Recent Advances in
Robust Control, Feedback and Learning. M.G. Safonov. In S. O. R. Moheimani, editor, Perspectives
in Robust Control, pages 283—296, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
- Curing Model
Mismatch Instability: Cost-detectability
and Stability of Adaptive Control Systems. In Proc. IEEE Conf. on
Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Seville, Spain, December 12-15, 2005.