Guidelines for Non-Evaluative Classroom Peer Observation in the Viterbi School at USC

1) Goals:

The goals of non-evaluative classroom peer observation are:

  • To help a peer improve their teaching by providing constructive feedback.
  • To help improve your own teaching by observing and/or being observed.
  • To assist tasks related to curriculum management and development.
  • To promote inter-connectedness and community amongst faculty.

    Notice that non-evaluative classroom peer observation is different from evaluative classroom peer observation. In the non-evaluative context, numerical scores are not needed and the content of the written feedback is only given to the instructor (not to the department).

    2) Professional Development:

    Faculty are encouraged to use the feedback they obtain from peer observations to improve their teaching practices. This is consistent with the USC Viterbi Definition of Teaching Excellence. Faculty are encouraged to describe the corresponding changes made to their courses or pedagogy, and to list the names of the corresponding observers/observees, on their annual faculty record reports (AFR).

    3) How to initiate the process:

    To participate, simply email a peer to ask to observe and/or to be observed in a classroom setting. For context, you can provide that faculty member a link to this webpage. Then, you can arrange an observation date that is convenient for both of you. If you would like feedback on specific points, you can communicate those points in advance to your observer.

    4) What to do when you observe a peer in the classroom:

  • Before the observation, ask the instructor to provide any relevant materials for context. For example, you may want to ask for a course syllabus and sample homework assignments. You may also want to ask if the instructor would like feedback on any specific points.
  • Be silent. Sit in the back of the room.
  • Write down constructive comments (*see details below). Be brief, direct, specific, and non-threatening.
  • Within 1-2 days of the observation, privately provide your feedback to the instructor.

    *Details on peer observation feedback: If the instructor has requested feedback on certain topics, please provide such feedback. Feedback can also be on topic areas in the USC Viterbi definition of teaching excellence, including:
    i) Treats students professionally, respectfully, and with integrity.
    ii) Inclusiveness. (For example, is the instructor inadvertently giving more or less attention to certain groups of students?)
    iii) Course material, exposition, classroom dynamics.

    Example templates for peer observation can be found here: USC Center for Teaching Excellence Templates.