The USC Andrew and Erna Viterbi School of Engineering USC Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering University of Southern California

ECE Office Hours

Spring 2025

The following is a list of office hours for faculty in the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Peter Beerelpabeerel@usc.eduOnlineSpring Office Hours (EE552) are Wednesday's 10am-11:00am and by appointment via email at
Brandon Franzkefranzke@usc.eduEEB 504BWe: 14:00 - 15:30, remote only
Th: 16:10 - 17:30, in-person, remote
Justin Haldarjhaldar@usc.eduEEB 442 & ZoomBy Appointment Only
Eun Sok Kimeskim@usc.eduPHE 602Mon. and Fri. 3 - 4 pm
Bhaskar Krishnamacharibkrishna@usc.eduRTH 410For EE 597 students: M and W, 11.50am-12.20pm (meet after class); For EE 250 students: M 5.50 to 6.20pm (meet after class). Other times by appointment (please email
C.-C. Jay Kuojckuo@usc.eduEEB 404BMonday & Wednesday: 10-11 am or by appointment
Chris Kyriakakisckyriak@usc.eduRTH213 and ZoomTuesday 3:00-5:00 PM
Urbashi Mitraubli@usc.eduEEB 536Mondays and Wednesdays 1:00PM to 2:00PM or by appointment Note that these times may change during certain weeks.
Andreas Molischmolisch@usc.eduEE 530 or Mo, Th, 14h00-15h00 and by appointment
Krishna Nayakknayak@usc.eduEEB 400CBy Appointment Only
Ashutosh Nayyarashutosn@usc.eduEEB 318Tuesday, Thursday 2:00pm- 3:00pm in EEB 318
Shahin Nazarianshahin.nazarian@usc.eduMW 8-9:30am in EEB340, MW 4-5:40pm in GFS 229 Also appointment-based: Please email to set a time.
Antonio Ortegaaortega@usc.eduEEB 436by appointment only (please email me)
Viktor Prasannaprasanna@usc.eduEEB 200CBy appointment
Gandhi Puvvadagandhi@usc.eduEEB238M: 4:05-5:00pm in OHE 336 T: 9:00-10:00am Zoom only, 5:55-6:15pm in OHE 100D W: 3:55-5:00pm in OHE 336 Th: 3:55-6:15pm in OHE 100D
Cauligi Raghavendraraghu@usc.eduEEB 216By appointment Please email me at
Allan Weberweber@usc.eduEEB 410M: 10-11:30am, W: 11am-12pm, Th: 4-5pm, or whenever you can find me and I'm free to talk.
Alan Willnerwillner@usc.eduEEB 538Mondays 12 - 1:30 pm. Or by appointment.
Wei Wuwu.w@usc.eduPHE 632Tuesday 4-5pm
Ali Zahidazahid@usc.eduPHE 414Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 ~ 10:30 AM 1:00 ~ 2:00 PM Hybrid Office Hours Meeting ID: 976 3187 8851 Passcode: zahid